Tuesday 5 March 2013

Write place, write time

When do you write?

Where do you write?

For me, since forever, my favourite time of day for writing is pretty much the time of day when I should be sleeping. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's that I have to collect together all of the experiences of the day before I can manage to coagulate all that into something worth writing down. Or maybe it's just that writing can be hard, and so I put it off. In any case, it's rare for me to be all that productive before about 9pm. My best work is probably more of a midnight thing. Then I get up for work in the morning feeling like I've been hit by a train, and strangely, I'm way more productive in the first three hours there than in the remaining five.

Where...? Again, for me, that's always been bed. Now don't get all Rudey McCrudey about it. I'm fully dressed. I'm alone. Nothing dodgy is going on here. I just happen to be always cold, so bed, and usually under blankets and/or duvet is my preferred writing location. Desks are for work, and my work is not creative. Besides there's only one desk in my house and it's in the man cave - ergo, occupado.

So this weekend I straightened out the spare room (Spare Oom) and so here is the view from my new writing place, aka the girl cave:

You probably can't exactly make out what's going on here. So to the left is my new wardrobe (hence the straightening out of Spare Oom), in centre is Cisco - my husband's pet snake (don't ask) and around to the right, which you can't actually see at all, is a window, looking out over rooftops to a smallish nature reserve. It's a happy space. The light in the vivarium is actually pretty nice, and I put a few pics on top that make me smile. The rest of the clutter up there does not make me happy, but I figure once it's been there a while I'll probably stop noticing, as has happened with the rest of the junk in my house. (Oh and in case you're wondering, the little towl thing on my wardrobe is a hair turban - such a genius invention, but not at all relevant to the sanctuary of the writer's workshop aka Spare Oom aka girl cave.)

So when and where do you guys write? And share your blogs with me - I've been trying to search for them but either I'm stupid or Blogger is as complicated as Google+ (which is the most confusing thing ever).

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